Thursday, February 4, 2010

Day 1: Home to Vero Beach, FL

With a Highlander loaded with a dining room table and six chairs, multiple bags and a drugged cat, we left home at 0615. Fourteen + hours later we made it to the home of our daughter and son-in-law, Sarah and Terry. 844 miles. Well actually about 848. I forgot to start the trip odometer until I was in KDH.

On the way we met my sister Donna for breakfast in Smithfield, NC. It was an impromptu meeting. I called and she just happened to be coming to Smithfield for her job at the same time.

Though the shots aren't great (traveling at 70MPH) we got the "Welcome to" signs from the three states we passed through after our own.

BTW, the cat did fine. He's getting used to his new digs.

Thanks to Seth and Jeanna for the use of their Tomtom.

We'll be here for a few days before heading south to see the Keys. And it's supposed to be 80 and sunny here tomorrow!


  1. Glad you didn't forget the cookbook! haha

  2. Terry was looking through the cook book last night and responding with a lot of "Oooohhh"s. I think it will see some use.

    I wondered if anyone would see it in the picture.

  3. please tell me you got a photo of the drugged cat.

  4. No photo of the cat. Gail tried once, but he had buried himself under the little blanket that was in the cage he was in. He just looked like he was chillin'.

  5. He didn't make a peep the entire trip.
